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Providing a concrete and clear development path that leads to a secure and trustworthy environment where innovation can thrive.

We want our employees to:

  • Be productive (to deliver value quickly)
  • Be autonomous (to drive outcomes)
  • Be inspired and motivated (to create and thrive)
  • Be psychologically safe (to experiment and fail without feeling vulnerable)
  • Be constantly growing (to achieve mastery)

That's why, we decided to create a development path that would align with our culture, would work for employees from diverse backgrounds, at all levels of experience, and in many different (some unique) roles.

Because we are an IT knowledge-driven company, the brain of our employees is our biggest asset. To maintain our High-Performance Culture we take decisive steps not to recruit or retain employees with average performance.

We believe: The incredible performance of the right people deserves unlimited opportunities to grow.


We designed two growth paths you can follow:

Individual Contributors Path Management Path
  • Do not necessarily want or have the right skills to manage people.
  • This path of growth is focused on the development of technical skills.
  • Develop the skills for advising and leading people.
  • Managers are also responsible for the teams’ and divisions' performance evaluations

By default, all employees are hired as Individual Contributors unless specified otherwise. Whenever one employee reaches Level 3, he/she can show interest in following the Management Path. Whatever path you choose, you have a clear direction for development, career growth, and monetary success.

Performance Evaluation

Evaluations are done on-demand. If you feel you are ready to Level Up or Step Up, you can request a Level & Step Review from your manager at any time you want. After the evaluation is completed, both the employee and manager will create a K-POC in our system. K-POC stands for Knowledge and Personal Objective Cycle and it explains the improvements you need to make before the next evaluation. The K-POC does not have an explicit timeline so once you complete your K-POC, you can request another review.

Performance Evaluation Framework

Evaluation When Definition Goal(s) Process Outcome(s) Next Steps
Mid-probation Review Three months after reviewee hire date The Mid-probation Review verifies a new employee’s performance at the mid-probation point – confirming achievements and determining areas of improvement and possible additional coaching.

By providing relevant feedback and suggestions at the 3-month mark, the new employee is equipped with the direction to successfully complete the probation period according to his/her hiring Level.

  • To determine whether employee performance is sufficient to successfully complete probation.
  • To provide relevant feedback and suggestions for improvements according to the Level and Step that he/she was hired.
  • A self-assessment is completed by the reviewee
  • A corresponding assessment is completed by reviewee's direct manager
  • 1-on-1 is held between reviewee and direct manager
  • Affirmation of reviewee strengths
  • Areas for reviewee improvement
  • A path toward the successful completion of probation
  • End of probation review set
  • Reviewee: To implement any recommended improvements
Probation Review Two weeks before the end of the probation period (6 months after reviewee hire date) The Probation Review verifies a new employee’s performance at the end of probation according to the Level he/she was hired – confirming achievements and determining areas of improvement and possible additional coaching. By providing relevant feedback and suggestions at the 6-month mark, the new employee is equipped with the tools to advance and share knowledge and skills, and the direction to successfully contribute to Secure Group's strategic goals and objectives.
  • To determine whether employee performance has been sufficient to complete probation
  • To provide relevant feedback and suggestions for improvement according to the related Level and Step.
  • Reviewee: Completes self- assessment on Small Improvements: KAI Assessment based on the KAI of the framework and Level & Step Chart based on the employee's path and discusses results 1-on-1 with direct manager
  • HR (if requested): Facilitates 1-on-1 and issues any documentation, if necessary
  • Direct Manager: Completes the same assessment on Small Improvements and discusses results 1-on-1 with the reviewee.

There are 3 possible outcomes for this Review:

  • The employee is adherent to the Level & Step that he was initially hired and in this case, the employee enters the regular flow for the next evaluations.
  • The employee doesn't meet the expectations of the Level & Step that he was initially hired. In these cases, most likely, we will not continue the employment contract.
  • The employee exceeds in meeting the expectations from the Level & Step he/she was hired. In this case, a new level and step will be assigned and the salary will be adjusted accordingly.
  • To implement any improvements recommended in the K-POC.
Level & Step Review Upon request The Level & Step Review is an assessment that gauges an employee's performance as it relates to the execution of tasks, project roles and responsibilities, knowledge and skills advancement and sharing. The criteria of what's going to be evaluated is very well structured and transparent:
  • To assess an employee’s overall performance with respect to individual and team responsibilities, continuous learning and growth, and general conduct.
  • Reviewee (except those on probation / CAP) completes self- assessment on Small Improvements: KAI Assessment based on the KAI of the framework and Level & Step Chart based on the employee's path and discusses results 1-on-1 with direct manager
  • HR (if requested): Facilitates Performance Review and issues formal documentation (if necessary)
  • Direct Manager: Completes a questionnaire with respect to the reviewee's operational performance and discusses results 1-on-1 with the reviewee

There are 3 possible outcomes for this Review:

  • The employee doesn't perform accordingly with the Level & Step that he/she is assigned in terms of skill inadequacy, roles, and responsibilities. In these cases, a K-POC is created with the employee in order for him/her to be responsible for making the determined changes until the next evaluation.
  • The employee meets the expectations of his/her current Level. A new Step may be assigned and the employee re-enters the regular flow for the next evaluations.
  • The employee succeeds in meeting the expectations from the Level & Step he/she is placed. In this case, a new level and step will be assigned and the salary will be adjusted accordingly.
  • To implement any improvements recommended the K-POC.
Peer Review Upon request It's an additional Review for the individuals following the Management Path. The assessment is completed by the manager's colleagues (Level 3 and UP), presenting an employee with constructive feedback regarding strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Carried out, along with the Level & Step Review for the Management Path, the Peer Review sheds additional insight into employee performance and paints a broader picture of the managers'development.
  • To provide an additional layer of insight into employee performance, as well as a broader overall picture to be evaluated in the Level & Step Review.
  • Peer Reviewer: Completes questionnaire, feedback on Small Improvements.
  • Direct Manager: Chooses peer reviewer(s) and communicates results during Level & Step Review.
  • The Peer Review generates insights for best management practices and feedback to be used in the Level & Step Review.
  • To complete the Level & Step Review.

Performance Evaluation Framework Visualization


Management Model Golden Rules

Our Management Model has some Golden Rules to ensure high-performance of our people. You can check them all HERE