Front-End Web Development

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Our front-end web developers are responsible for implementing web applications using different tools, and ensuring that they are clear to use and to navigate allowing our users to have a pleasant and efficient experience when interacting with the site. With an extreme focus on security, they understand the importance of website usability so, in their day-to-day, they strive to change, automate, and perform tests in order to optimize the websites' performance and improve our online presence.

Through continuous integration and deployment, domain and, access management, the key to fast growth in this framework is to develop websites that excel in:

  • Accessibility
  • Stability
  • Security
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Speedy Development


In order to progress in our development path and Level Up or Step Up, our Front-End developers must:

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Front-End Web Development Step
Individual Contributor Path 1 2 3 4
1 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450
2 4.000 4.150 4.300 4.450
3 5.000 5.150 5.300 5.450
4 6.000 6.150 6.300 6.450
5 7.000 7.150 7.300 7.450
6 8.000 8.150 8.300 8.450

KAI of the framework

Extensive Knowledge

Type Knowledge Description Minimum Grade to acquire Level X
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Frameworks Scrum Limited experience Limited experience Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Vue.js Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Programming languages Bash Script Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
CSS Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
HTML Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
JavaScript Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
PHP Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
SQL Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Libraries Ajax Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
JQuery Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
React.js Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Software/Tools/Platforms Atlassian Bamboo Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Atlassian Bitbucket Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
BrowserStack Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
CPanel Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Docker Engine/Container Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Docker Registry Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
GTmetrix Pro Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Hubspot CMS Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Microsoft Azure Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
NGINX Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
WordPress Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Zapier Limited experience Limited experience Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Software/Tools/Platforms - Server Administration Docker Engine/Container Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
NGINX Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
WordPress Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory
Languages (idioms) Advanced Business English Limited experience Limited experience Practical application Applied theory Applied theory Applied theory