Information Security Management

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The Information security managers' main responsibility is to develop, implement and monitor a strategic, comprehensive enterprise information security and IT risk management program to ensure that the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information is owned, controlled and processed by our organization. They are in charge of security systems, such as firewalls, data protection controls, encryption, vulnerability scanning, and so on. They also manage the team that oversees the proper deployment, configuration, and functioning of these systems helping different teams around the organization understand risks and data privacy issues. It's part of their responsibility scope to monitor all operations and infrastructure in order to keep an eye on our organization’s digital security footprint, to monitor internal and external policy compliance, to monitor regulatory compliance.

Their growth path includes implementing new technologies, auditing policies, and controls continuously and ensuring cybersecurity stays on the organizational radar.


In order to progress in our development path and Level Up, our Information Security team must:

  • Meet the criteria of the Level Chart for the Management Path
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the Information Security Realm and KAI of the framework

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Information Security Management Step
1 2 3 4
Level 1 3.176 3.476 4.276 5.176
2 6.300 6.600 7.400 8.300
3 9.706 10.006 10.806 11.706
4 12.295 12.595 13.395 14.295


KAI of the framework