Project Management (Business)

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In order to progress in our development path and Level Up or Step Up, our Business Project Managers team must:

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Project Management Step
1 2 3 4
Level 1 2.849 3.149 3.949 4.849
2 5.020 5.320 6.120 7.020
3 6.208 6.508 7.308 8.208
4 10.125 10.425 11.225 12.125

KAI of the framework

Extensive Knowledge

Minimum Grade to acquire Level X
Programming languages CSS Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience
HTML Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience
Javascript Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience
Software/Tools/Platforms Aftership Practical application Practical application Practical application Applied theory
Atlassian Confluence Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory
Atlassian Jira Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory
Databox Limited experience Limited experience Practical application Practical application
Hubspot Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience Limited experience
Navision Limited experience Limited experience Practical application Practical application
Nextcloud Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory
Proposify Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory
Zoom Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory
Languages (idioms) Advanced Business English Practical application Practical application Applied theory Applied theory