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Our Management Model is very specific and completely personalized to our company. Even though you can find similarities with other business models, the majority of its content is only applied in Secure Group. Because of that, we created this glossary to clarify some concepts and acronyms that are unique to us.

Abbreviations & Acronyms


Knowledge Accountability Index: this is our system to manage and measure knowledge within the company. It's consisted of six grades of proficiency that can be checked in our Knowledge Management Strategy


Knowledge and Personal Objective Cycle: the development plan our employees develop and agree with their managers when progressing on their career with us. The K-POC is composed of S.M.A.R.T. personal objectives (goals) that should be met when someone wants to Level Up or Step Up. They can be related to Extensive Knowledge, SG Knowledge, or categories of the Level and Step chart. You can find more information regarding the personal development plan in our Performance chapter.

SMART goals

A S.M.A.R.T goal is used to help guide the goal-setting process. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Well defined, clear, and unambiguous
  • Measurable: With specific criteria that measure the progress toward the accomplishment of the goal
  • Achievable: Attainable and not impossible to achieve
  • Realistic: Within reach, realistic, and relevant to the main purpose
  • Timely-bound: With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting date and a target date. The purpose is to create urgency.


The RACI matrix is a diagram that identifies the key roles and responsibilities of all employees regarding tasks within departments. The RACI serves as a visual representation of the functional role played by each employee regarding each process that we have. RACI is an acronym for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed - you can check the detailed information in the Roles chapter of our Management Model.


CAP is our Corrective Action Plan which is implemented whenever one employee doesn't show adherence to one of our corporate values. You can check the structure of the plan in our Culture Code chapter.

Definitions & Clarifications

Knowledge Management

We divided the existing knowledge in the company into two categories:

  • Extensive Knowledge – this is about deeply understanding tools/software/platforms, programming languages, protocols, etc. which are required from our employees to successfully complete their tasks in the framework that they belong.
  • Secure Group Knowledge – this is all about having a complete understanding of the company’s products, the processes and tools/software/platforms related to their execution, the way all teams work, the concepts that are part of their scope, and how they contribute to the overall corporate strategy. The Secure Group knowledge is defined per department and it includes three levels of understanding: expected knowledge from technical people, expected knowledge from business people, and expected knowledge from the team.

The whole information on how we define and evaluate the knowledge can be found in the Knowledge Management chapter

Teams Management

  • Team / Cross-Team vs. Department / Cross-Department:

When understanding the Level & Step Grid for Individual Contributors there are some concepts related to teams and departments which have different definitions in Secure Group. We currently have seven departments in our company dealing with a specific area of activity and responsibilities: Human Resources & Management Model, Digital Marketing, Software Engineering, Business Development, Information Security, Partner Success, and Leadership.
Each manager is responsible for a department that can be composed of different teams. The teams can be divided regarding a project, special expertise, and/or common goals.

Processes & Knowledge Management

  • Playbook vs. practices, procedures and processes

In the category Job Complexity in the Level chart for Individual Contributors there's the sub-category Process Thinking. Some of the concepts presented there are:

    • Practices, procedures, and processes: related to internal documentation about company policies, processes, how-to guides, projects or products, common workflows, and procedure checklists.
    • Playbooks: documentation stating what’s needed in terms of soft skills, mindset, and attitudes to convey the department's value proposition in certain processes. They exemplify the positive and the negative scenarios of the department (Do’s and Don'ts).
  • Achievement/Completeness


  • Level A
  • Level E: the Entrepreneur Path in Secure Group is designed for people who followed the management path and have the opportunity and desire to grow even further by becoming leaders of their own branch/brand and operating as C-level under Secure Group’s organization. Therefore, Level E consists of interaction with our organizational processes, procedures, goals, models, and concepts within the new structure a branch/brand.


Manager's process coordination: Level 1 and 2 involved in operations / Level 3 and 4 not involved in the execution