Secure Group Knowledge

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The Secure Group knowledge management strategy enables our organization to create, apply, and share information, breaking down silos and increasing the usage of valuable data.

Secure Group (SG) knowledge is all about understanding the company’s products and processes, the way all teams work, the concepts that are part of their scope, and how they contribute to the overall corporate strategy. It includes technical knowledge for non-technical people and business knowledge to technical people. For this category of knowledge, we provide pieces of training because this way we can ensure that everyone has the complete knowledge set to be a high-performer in our company.

The progression in this type of knowledge starts from "having a basic understanding of their team's domain and Secure Group's strategic plan, industry, and market space" and going forward to "having a thorough understanding of the entire business, organizational strategy (strategic maps), including all department's domains, and how they contribute to the overall strategy.

Software Engineering

Business Function/Category Concept Description
QA/Automation Main testing techniques What's data driven test?
What's black box testing?
What is white box testing?
What is stress testing, load testing and volume testing?
What is performance testing and what are the bottlenecks of performance testing?
What is Test case?
How to report bugs?
What is bug triage?
Automation What is Appium?
What is Selenium?
Which language do we use for automation test?
Which tests should be automated?
Programming Programming languages Which programming language do we use for development?
Tools What is Android studio and what you can do with it?
What is Bitbucket and how do we use it?
What is Bamboo and how are we using it?
RestAPI, JSON How to post an API request?
How to understand the result using a tool?
Basic arithmetic functions How to work on complex Excel?
How to use VBA formula?
How to apply basic arithmetic in any programming language?
Variables What is a variable? How to use it?
What is math, string, array and boolean? How to use them?
String manipulation How to concatenate, trim and manipulate strings in any programming language?
Looping - flow control How to use basic IF, THEN, ELSE clause in any programming language?
How to build a looping array in any programming language?
Version control What's version control and where it's used?
What is git repo?
Where do we keep Secure OS source?
Where do we keep SC and SE source?
Conditionals How to apply basic boolean algebra?
What are boolean operator (And/Or) and how to use them
HTML/CSS How to write or modify a very simple web page and basic HTML tag?
SDLC What is the Software Development Life Cycle concept?
What are the phases of the SDLC?
What are software development models?
Android Secure OS On which android version each Secure OS version is based?
Which features does it support
Which devices Secure OS can run on?
What are our custom apps? Which ones are developed as part of the OS and which ones as standalone apps?
Android Studio How to create a project and how to connect a device?
How to execute real-time debugging?
Adb command How to perform basic adb to capture log?
How to load an OS via adb?
What are the most basic adb command and how to use them?
(Devices, push, pull, reboot, reboot-bootloader, reboot recovery, fastboot devices, fastboot unlock, install)
How to execute USB debugging?
Android SDK What are layouts and views and what's the relation between them?
What are activities and their life cycle?
Android OS architecture What are the basic components of an Android Phone?
Android Runtime – ART Linux Kernel, Libraries, Application Framework, Applications
Android App log How to identify actions in an app that can cause a log entry?
SQL What is SQL and what does it do?
How to write a simple SQL query?
Encryption Basic encryption What's a PGP universal server?
What is a Certificate and a Certificate Authority?
What's the difference between a Public Key and a Private Key and what are they used for?
What's SSL, TLS, PGP, OTR, OMEMO and where do we use it?
What is SIP?
What is XMPP?
Development Development process What is agile?
What are the agile ceremonies? Who are the participants and the goal of each ceremony?
What is sprint demo, and what is product demo?
What is backlog?
How is the backlog prioritized?
Documentation Documentation process What is Technical documentation? When to refer to it?
Who is responsible for updating TD?
What is functional documentation? How to use it?
Who is responsible for updating FD?

Information Security