Information Security

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Our Information Security specialists are responsible for coordinating computing environments, deploying and documenting routines and projects controlling the service levels of operating systems, databases, and networks.

They provide technical support in the use of computer hardware and software and in supporting users by configuring and installing computing resources and systems controlling the security of the computing environment, which is our number one driver.

It is under the responsibility of the Information Security specialists to work with the configuration and maintenance of the systems' environment, from performance monitoring and availability of the systems to the definition and monitoring of system infrastructure's suppliers and to make the configuration and maintenance of backups, performing the installations and configurations of the operating systems.

In order to progress in our development path and Level Up or Step Up, our Information Security specialists must:

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Information Security Step
Individual Contributor Path 1 2 3 4
Information Security Expert 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450
Information Security Engineer 4.000 4.150 4.300 4.450
Sr. Information Security Engineer 5.000 5.150 5.300 5.450
Sr. Information Security Engineer lvl IV 6.000 6.150 6.300 6.450
Sr. Information Security Engineer lvl V 7.000 7.150 7.300 7.450
Sr. Information Security Engineer lvl VI 8.000 8.150 8.300 8.450

KAI of the position