Secure Group Knowledge

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Revision as of 13:39, 10 December 2020 by Sgadmin (talk | contribs)
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The Secure Group knowledge management strategy enables our organization to create, apply, and share information, breaking down silos and increasing the usage of valuable data.

Secure Group knowledge is all about understanding the company’s strategy, products, and processes. This is required knowledge for every employee to know about their team and adjacent teams. That is why we provide training to newcomers and expect to see their progression on this knowledge throughout their time being in the company.

The progression in this type of knowledge starts from "having a basic understanding of their team's domain and Secure Group's strategic plan, industry, and market space" and going forward to "having a thorough understanding of the entire business, organizational strategy (strategic maps), including all department's domains, and how they contribute to the overall strategy.

SG Knowledge Parameters

info expected