Strategic Human Resources Management

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Revision as of 08:09, 22 February 2023 by Sgadmin (talk | contribs)
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The HR managers in Secure Group are responsible for updating and ensuring that the Management Model is followed at every level and considering all processes that we have in place in our company. They focus on divisions' career progression and are involved in decisions regarding frameworks and their impact, internal mobility, and employer branding. Their biggest challenge is to ensure a high-performing culture considering our unique roles, the fast-changing ambiguous environment, turnover, and retention.


In order to progress in our development path and Level Up or Step Up, our HR Managers must:

  • Meet the criteria of the Level & Step Chart for the Management Path
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the HR and Project Management Realms

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Strategic HR Management Step
1 2 3 4
Level 1 1.950 2.250 3.050 3.950
2 4.950 5.250 6.050 6.950
3 7.887 8.187 8.987 9.887
4 10.468 10.768 11.568 12.468


File:Mkt Realm.png