Marketing Management

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The positions in this framework play a crucial role in improving client services management by establishing and maintaining successful, long-lasting partnerships and thorough brand delivery of clients’ white-labels. You have a cross-team collaboration in order to successfully generate leads, drive up tangible results for Secure Group and our partners, and increase brand awareness through relevant, highly effective, cost-optimized marketing approaches.

In order to progress in our development path and Level Up, our Marketing Managers must:

Subordinates of this position

Salary Grid

All mentioned salary ranges represent the monthly income in Bulgarian Lev after taxes and deductions.

Marketing Management Level
1 2 3 4
Coordinator 2.450 2.955 3.900 4.985
Manager 4.500 5.005 5.950 7.035
Sr. Manager 6.000 6.505 7.450 8.535
Head of 8.000 8.505 9.705 11.705